What is EdReady?
EdReady is a supplemental education enterprise offered through the NROC (Network, Resources, Open, College & Career) Project, which offers foundational math and English support.
EdReady: Accelerate your path to college and career from The NROC Project on Vimeo.
How do students Access EdReady?
EdReady is available to all registered Compton College Students via their MyCompton portal. Students are not required to register for an EdReady account. MyCompton authentication will grant students access to all Compton College math and English EdReady content. We recommend that students follow the "Accessing EdReady Through MyCompton Guide." Students can also access EdReady via the Compton College EdReady URL: https://comptoncollege.edready.org/home (for step-by-step instructions, refer to the "EdReady Student User Video").