Machine Tool Technology

The Machine Tool Technology program prepares students for employment in machine shops, tool rooms, and instrument and experimental laboratories and provides upgrade opportunities for employed industrial personnel.

two males working on a machine

Business and Industrial Studies Guided Pathway Division

Students gain proficiency in the set-up and operation of drilling machines, lathes, mills, grinders, electrical discharge machines, Computer Numerical Control (CNC) lathes, CNC milling machines, and computer aided manufacturing systems. Competencies will be assessed regularly in accordance with skill standards established by the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS). At least 50 percent of the courses required for the major must be completed at Compton College.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the degree program, students will be able to:

  • Apply principles from mathematics, physics, and chemistry to solve applied problems in engineering.
  • Identify different digital and analog sensor technologies.
  • Follow and build robotic devices and components in accordance with industry standard schematics and diagrams.
  • Solving Engineering Problems: students will apply principles from mathematics, physics, and chemistry to solve applied problems in engineering.
  • Digital and Analog Sensor Technologies: Upon completion of the courses in this discipline, the student will be able to identify different digital and analog sensor technology.
  • Industry Standards: Upon completion of the courses in this discipline, the student will be able to follow and build robotic devices and components in accordance with industry standard schematics and diagrams.

Program Mapper

Certificates of Achievement

CNC Machine Operator

The CNC Machine Operator certificate of achievement aims to provide basic to advanced training in manual or conventional machining, computer numerical programming and operation, advanced multi-axis programming and operation. These form the fundamental skills necessary for the average and expected workload in the machining industry. Enrolled students are strongly positioned for employment in the machining industry throughout the course of the program.

Program Mapper


The Machinist certificate of achievement program aims to provide basic to advanced training in manual or conventional machining, computer numerical programming and operation, and advanced multi-axis programming and operation. These form the fundamental skills necessary for the average and expected workload in the machining industry. Enrolled students are strongly positioned for employment in the machining industry throughout the course of the program.

Program Mapper

Numerical Control Programmer

The Numerical Control Programmer certificate of achievement aims to provide basic to advanced training in manual or conventional machining, computer numerical programming and operation, advanced multi- axis programming and operation. These form the fundamental skills necessary for the average and expected workload in the machining industry. Enrolled students are strongly positioned for employment in the machining industry throughout the course of the program.

Program Mapper

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course catalog

Contact Information

Paul Flor
Dean of Student Learning
Office VT 150, (310) 900-1600 ext. 2273 

Abdirashid Yahye 
Division Chair 
Office VT112, (310) 900-1600 ext.2457 

Machine Tool Technology Faculty

Michael Vanoverbeck 
FT Faculty
Office VT164, (310) 900-1600 ext.2660 

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