Vision and Mission Statement

BP 1200 Mission, Vision, and Strategic Initiatives

Revised April 16, 2019


Compton College will be the leading institution of student learning and success in higher education.

Mission Statement

Compton College is a welcoming and inclusive community where diverse students are supported to pursue and attain student success. Compton College provides solutions to challenges, utilizes the latest techniques for preparing the workforce and provides clear pathways for completion of programs of study, transition to a university, and securing living-wage employment.

Strategic Initiatives

In order to fulfill the mission and make progress toward the vision from 2017 to 2024, Compton College will focus its efforts on the following Strategic Initiatives. Strategic Initiatives represent the areas of focused improvement. Objectives are college-wide plans to make progress on each initiative.

Improve recruitment, enrollment, retention, and completion rates for our students.
Objective 1. Tailor degree and certificate programs to meet the needs of our students.
Objective 2. Educate students about pathways to graduation.
Objective 3. Enhance student preparation for academic success and completion.
Objective 4. Provide a student-centered environment that leads to student success.

Support the success of all students to meet their education, and career goals.
Objective 1. Attract and retain traditional students, and focus on retaining non-traditional students.
Objective 2. Minimize the equity gap for access, retention, and graduation rates.
Objective 3. Identify and provide clear pathways for traditional and non-traditional students to meet their goals.

Support the success of students through the use of technology.
Objective 1. Implement an early alert program to identify and notify students of support services and programs in a timely manner.
Objective 2. Provide robust distance education course and service offerings.
Objective 3. Enhance technology for teaching and learning through professional development.

Offer excellent programs that lead to degrees and certificates in Allied Health and Technical fields.
Objective 1. Increase the number of degrees and certificates awarded in the Allied Health and Technical fields.
Objective 2. Implement a plan to target outreach of working professionals in Healthcare and Advanced Manufacturing.
Objective 3. Create collaborative partnerships with industry leaders in the Allied Health and Technical fields.

Establish partnerships in the community and with the K-12 schools.
Objective 1. Establish faculty to faculty partnerships with K-12 feeder schools to better align curriculum between the two segments, and to improve student preparation.
Objective 2. Continue to develop more Career and Technical Education programs that meet the needs of the community.
Objective 3. Strengthen the broader needs of the community served by Compton Community College District.



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