Welcome to the Counseling Department
The Compton College Counseling Department is a guiding force for our diverse student population on their path to completion and pursuit of success. We promote an inclusive environment where students can explore, identify, and achieve their academic, career, and personal goals.
Click on the red buttons below to see a Counselor.
*Virtual counseling drop-in | Career counseling appointments |
counseling appointments | transfer counseling appointments |
*Spring 2025 Counselor Schedule: Spring 2025 Schedule*
Counseling Department Office Hours
Location: Student Services Building, 2nd Floor, Room 266
Spring 2025
February 17- June 13, 2o25
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
8:00am-6:30pm | 8:00am-4:30pm | 8:00am-6:30pm | 8:00am-4:30pm | 8:00am-4:30pm |
Disclaimer: The Counseling Department will have drop ins from February 18 to February
28, 2025. Appointments will begin on March 3, 2025. Please note that Dr. Preston,
the nursing counselor will be having appointments starting Monday, February 24th due
to the nursing verification dates.
The Counseling Department will continue to assist you in-person, via telephone, email,
online chat, and video appointments. We are committed to helping you achieve your
goals and navigate the college experience. Thank you for choosing Compton College,
where every student is a success story!
Dr. Maria Garcia
Interim Dean of Counseling & Guided Pathways
310-900-1600, ext. 2084
Counseling Department Contact Information
Student Services Building
310-900-1600, Ext. 2076
Video chat with Front Desk on Cranium Cafe
Service Area Outcomes (SAO) Assessment Plan
SAO Statement(s):
1. At the end of their individual counseling session, students will have learned more
about the services, support programs and/or resources to meet, advance, or complete
their goals.
2. Students who meet with a counselor will have a better understanding of what is
required in order to achieve their academic goals, leading to a successful academic
semester and persist to the next semester. (Successful is defined as earning a cumulative
GPA of a 2.0 or higher and at least 50% completion of units attempted that semester)