Child Development

The child development program prepares students for careers in private or public programs serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers, children with special needs, or children in before and after school care.

teacher counting on hands with kids

Social Sciences Guided Pathway Division

Students will acquire the ability to apply developmental theories in observing and assessing children in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains and will develop skills needed for working effectively with families, co-workers, and community agencies. Students will also gain the ability to design, implement, and evaluate developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive curriculum. Program assessment will be conducted regularly through examinations, presentations, student self-assessment, portfolios, and tracking student employment and promotion in the teaching field.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the degree or certificate program, students are will be able to:

  • Integrated Understanding of Children’s Needs: Students integrate an understanding of the needs, characteristics and multiple influences on the development of children ranging from birth to adolescence as related to high quality care and education.
  • Designing Environments for Children: Students design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive developmental play and learning outcomes for all children.
  • Effective Guidance and Assessment: Students apply effective observation, assessment, guidance and interaction strategies that support all children’s social and emotional development.

Program Mapper

Early Childhood Education - AST

The program prepares students for careers in private or public programs serving infants, toddlers, preschoolers, children with special needs, or children in before and after school care.

The transfer degree option prepares students to continue studies at a four-year institution and major in Child Development, Child and Adolescent Development, Human Development, or Education. Students will acquire the ability to apply developmental theories in observing and assessing children in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains and will develop skills needed for working effectively with families, coworkers, and community agencies. Upon successful completion of the program, students will be prepared for careers

in child care with infants and toddlers, preschool teaching, assistant teaching, and related careers in childhood education. Program assessment will be conducted regularly through examinations, presentations, student self-assessment, portfolios, and tracking student employment and promotion in the teaching field.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the degree or certificate program, students will be able to:

  • Integrated Understanding of Children's Needs: Students integrate an understanding of the needs, characteristics, and multiple influences on the development of children ranging from birth to adolescence as related to high quality care and education.
  • Designing Environments for Children: Students design, implement and evaluate environments and activities that support positive developmental play and learning outcomes for all children.
  • Effective Guidance and Assessment: Students apply effective observation, assessment, guidance, and interaction strategies that support all children’s social and emotional development.
Program Mapper

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Contact Information

Paul Flor
Dean of Student Learning 
Office VT150, (310) 900-1600 ext. 2273

David McPatchell
Division Chair
Office IB1-232 (310) 900-1600 ext.2584 


Cassandra Washington , FT Faculty 
Office IB2-230 (310) 900-1600 ext.2348

Pamela West, FT Faculty 
Office IB2-230 (310) 900-1600 ext.2342 

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