This page contains everything you need to know about student fees. Whether you want to find out the fees for each term, get more information on how to pay, locate important payment deadlines, or learn how to receive a refund, please keep reading below.
Student Fees & Tuition
Community college enrollment fees are set by the California State Legislature. All
fees are subject to change. If you need Financial Aid, we recommend applying as soon as possible. To determine your overall cost of attendance,
use our customized net price calculator.
More info: Administrative Regulation 5030 – Fees
Fee Types |
Fall/Spring Semester |
Winter/Summer Term |
Enrollment Fee* (California residents) |
$46 per unit |
$46 per unit |
Nonresident Tuition* | $394 per unit total ($310 per unit plus $46 per unit plus $38 Capital Outlay fee) | $394 per unit total ($310 per unit plus $46 per unit plus $38 Capital Outlay fee) |
Capital Outlay* (foreign nonresident students) | $38 per unit | $38 per unit |
Credit by Examination Fee | $46 per unit | $46 per unit |
Auditing Fee | $15 per unit | $15 per unit |
Health Fee (See below for exemptions) | $19 per semester | $16 per term |
Student Activities Fee (Optional) | $10 | $10 |
Photo ID Card | Free | Free |
Student Representation Fee (Optional) | $2 | N/A |
Instructional Materials/ Lab Fee |
As noted in class schedule. | |
Parking Fee | Free for students through June 30, 2025. | |
Child Care | Cost determined based on income. | |
Transcript/Verification Fee | Free for first two copies. $6.00 plus additional fees through our vendor Parchment. | |
Subpoena Requests | Subpoena duces tecum is a court order that requires the production of specific documents
or evidence at a hearing or trial. Charges to produce specific documents and the processing
shall only be applied in civil proceedings. That charge is $15.00, server of the subpoena
submits the paperwork to Admissions and Records Office, Student Service Building,
first floor room 180. |
Degree/Certificate Replacement Fee | $20 per occurrence | |
College Catalog | $5 in bookstore / $7 by US mail |
Fee Payment Methods
We offer three convenient ways to pay your student fees:- Pay online! Log into MyCompton.
- Bring American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, cash or checks to the Bursar’s Office (SSB -161).
- Mail a check or money order (US banks only) to:
Compton College; Bursar's Office; 1111 E. Artesia Blvd Compton, CA 90221
A service charge of $25 will be assessed on any returned check and can result in suspension from enrollment and other consequences.
If you would like a 1098-T Tuition Statement for tax purposes, click here.
If you have further questions about how to make a payment, please contact the Bursar's Office, located in SSB-161, or call (310) 900-1600, Ext. 2104.
Fee Payment Deadlines
Enrollment and other fees are charged to the student at the time of enrollment. Students are required to pay fees within ten (10) days of their enrollment in courses. If additions are made to the course program after payment is made, students will be billed for the additional units. Students who overpay their fees will have those fees refunded or applied to a subsequent term of enrollment.
For more information, refer to AR 5030 - Fees.
Waitlisted Students
If you are on a waitlist for a class, you will need to check your Compton College
email daily to find out if you have been admitted. Waitlisted students admitted to
a class must pay those class fees by the same deadlines, or they will be dropped from
all classes at Compton College. For more information about our waitlist process please
click here.
For questions about fee payment deadlines, call 310-900-1600, Ext. 2104.
Fee Refunds
Enrollment Fee RefundsIn order to receive a refund, students must drop their classes online at MyCompton, according to the deadlines in the Academic Calendar. For classes that meet less than 16-weeks, consult the short-term calendar.
Refunds will be issued through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. before the end of the semester. For more information about BankMobile Disbursements, and to select your refund preference, visit:
If your address has changed, please update your address in MyCompton or submit a Change of Address Form via email to the Admissions & Records Office ( using your email.
Refunds for less than $1.00 will not be mailed.
Health Fee Refunds
Health Fee Refunds are only granted when a student withdraws from all courses prior to the close of the second week of the term.
Nonresident Tuition Fee Refunds
Nonresident students will receive a full or partial refund for nonresident tuition if they drop their classes through MyCompton, according to the following schedule:
- During the second calendar week of the semester, 100% of the fee will be refunded.
- During the third calendar week of the semester, 75% of the fee will be refunded.
- During the fourth calendar week of the semester, 50% of the fee will be refunded.
- During the fifth week of the semester, 25% of the fee will be refunded.
For the specific dates of the current term or semester, please reference the class schedule.
Credit by Examination Fee and Auditing Fee
These fees are non-refundable.
Parking Permits
There are no refunds for parking permits.