In support of the institution's Mission, Vision, Quality Focused Essay (QFE) and Master Plan, Compton Colleges' Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) will work with the Deans, the Distance Education Faculty Coordinator (DEFC), Curriculum Committee, Academic Senate as instructional program leaders to facilitate and improve online teaching, learning and technology.
With the understanding that faculty should have the primary responsibility for developing policies and promoting Distance Education instructional practices, DEAC will support a learner-centered program designed to further student success by making recommendations to Curriculum and reporting to Academic Senate. Each DEAC member will represent his/her division/department and act as a resource to all faculty and staff members within their division regarding exploration, development and implementation of robust pedagogical online strategies in the Distance Education environment. Also, departments such as the library and student services etc. will collaborate with DEAC to strategize ways to enhance the online experience for our students.
DEAC Meeting Agenda's and Minutes
The DEAC meets regularly on the fourth Tuesday of each month during the academic year from 1:00-2:00pm in VT-212-A. For the Spring 2025 Semester, the DEAC will meet during the following dates/times:February 25, 2025
March 25, 2025
April 22, 2025
May 27, 2025
Voting Committee Members
Representative Area |
Name |
DSPS/SRC Rep | Allison Brown | abrown22@compton.edu |
Student Rep | Vacant | |
Academic Affairs Rep | Vacant | |
Counseling | Carlos Maruri | cmaruri@compton.edu |
Student Services Rep | Marina Hernandez | mhernandez@compton.edu |
MIS Rep | Vacant | |
Faculty Course Review Committee | Jasmine Phillips | jphillips@compton.edu |
Curriculum Committee Chair | Charles Hobbs | chobbs@compton.edu |
BIS | Rashid Yahe | ayahye@compton.edu |
SS | Nathan Lopez Steven Gonzales |
nlopez11@compton.edu sgonzales@compton.edu |
FACH | Nikki Williams | niwilliams@compton.edu |
STEM | Glen Chung | gchung@compton.edu |
HPS | Don Mason | donmason@compton.edu |
Adjunct Faculty Rep | Margaux Gonzales | mgonzales1@compton.edu |
- Distance Education Handbook
- AR 4105: Distance Education
- DEAC Formal Recommendation Form
- Product Accessibility Statements
- Distance Education Online Training Equivalency Waiver Approval
Policies/Procedures for DEAC Review
- Distance Education Regular and Effective Contact - Approved by: DEAC on 11/13/18, Curriculum on 12/4/18 & Senate on 2/21/19
- DE Scheduling Ticket Notes - 10/22/2019 1st read; 2nd read and voted on 11/26/2019; Senate 3/19/2020 1st read; 2nd read and vote by Senate on 4/2/2020
- DE Online and Hybrid Syllabi Statements -10/22/2019 1st read; 11/26/2019 Tabled; add to handbook instead
- DEAC Communication Plan - 11/26/2019 1st read; 2nd read and voted on 3/24/2020; Senate 4/2/2020 1st read; 2nd read and vote by Senate on 4/16/2020
- DE Hybrid Teaching Best Practices - 3/27/2020 1st read;
- ASCCC Third Category of Online Classes - 4/28/2020 1st read; 2nd read and voted - 05/26/2020; Senate 1st read, 2nd read and vote by Senate on 6/4/2020
- New DE Addendum - 4/28/2020 1st read; 2nd read and voted - 05/26/2020; brought to Senate as an informational item
- CBA: Online Faculty Evaluation Form: 1st read; 2nd read and voted - 05/26/2020; forwarded to the union
- CBA: Student Online Evaluation Form: 1st read; 2nd read and voted - 05/26/2020; forwarded to the union
- DE Publisher Applications and Websites Policy: 1st read; 2nd read and voted - 05/26/2020; Senate 1st read, 2nd read and vote by Senate on 6/4/2020
- DE Instructional Material Fee and Access Code Policy: 1st read; 2nd read and voted - 05/26/2020; Senate 1st read, 2nd read and vote by Senate on 6/4/2020
- DE Student Authentication Policy: 05/26/2020 1st read; 2nd read and voted -09/22/2020; Senate 1st read, 2nd read and vote by Senate 10/29/2020
- Online Teaching Training Policy: 1st read; 2nd read and voted-11/26/2020; Senate 1st read, 2nd read and vote by Senate 12/3/2020
- Equitable Camera Use Policy/DE Policy on Camera Use in Synchronous Courses: 1st read Dec 8, 2020; 2nd read: Feb 23, 2021; Senate March 4 2021
Approved LTI's
- Integrate EdReady into Canvas - Submitted 10/22/2019 1st Read; 2nd Read & Approved on 11/26/2019; Senate 3/19/2020 1st read; 2nd read and vote by Senate on 4/2/2020
- Free Pilot App Hypothesis - Submitted 11/4/2019 1st Read; 2nd Read & Approved on 3/27/2020; Discussed as an informational item in Senate on 4/2/2020
- Net Lab Resource - Submitted 11/26/2019 1st Read- Tabled on 3/27/2020
- Norton - 03/27/2020 - DEAC Approved no vote required
- XYZ Math LTI - 05/26/2020 1st read;
- WebAssign Math LTI - 05/26/2020 1st read;
- MyOpenMath LTI - 05/26/2020 1st read;
- MyLab and Mastering Math LTI - 05/26/20201st read;
- Respondus 4.0 (test bank upload) - DEAC read 2/23/2021; Senate read 3/4/2021