Bond-Related Documents


At the December 12, 2023, Board of Trustees Meeting, the Board approved Resolution No. 12-12-2023A - Authorizing the Investigation of the Feasibility of Local Funding Sources. In addition, at the January 16, 2024, Board of Trustees Meeting, the Board took action to approve a contract with Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3 Research) to conduct a public opinion survey in preparation for a potential 2024 facilities bond measure for the Compton CCD. The dual mode (telephone and online) survey of likely November 2024 voters (a random sample of 500 individuals) within our community was conducted in March 2024.

Compton Community College District Bond Measure Issues Survey

In March of 2024, a survey of Compton CCD voters likely to cast a ballot in the November 2024 Presidential Election was conducted.

March 2024 Survey – Summary of Bond Measure Issues (PDF)

Bond Info Mailers

Bond Related News Releases

  • Compton Community College District Publishes Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee Annual Report - Coming 9/11/2024
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