Testing Accommodations

Testing Accommodations

Students with disabilities have the same right as other students to participate in higher education and may request academic accommodations and other support from the Special Resource Center. Accommodations can include extended time for tests outside of the classroom; this service is only available to current Compton College students.

We are here to help – please contact us with questions about testing accommodations and other assistance.

Student Responsibilities:

Request accommodation at the beginning of each semester through the AIM online system. A faculty notification letter and testing agreement will be sent to your instructor. 

Make an appointment to take in-person exams in the Special Resource Center at least one week (five school days) before the exam. Testing appointments are subject to space limitations. 

Follow up to ensure you have all paperwork completed before exams.
  • On-Campus Tests: Make sure your instructor(s) have completed testing agreements. Discuss test delivery with your instructors the week before your tests.
  • Canvas Tests: Follow up with your instructor by email or in person to make sure your extended time has been adjusted in Canvas.
Online Testing in the SRC
Note: Some in-person classes use Canvas or Textbook Publisher for testing.

Remind instructors to send exams to SRC. 

Make appointments that allow enough time to complete an exam with extended time considering SRC hours of operation. All tests must end by 4 p.m.

Take exams on the same day and time as the class and complete the exam in one sitting. Exceptions must be approved by the class instructor and the SRC.

Arrive on time for testing appointments. Failure to do so may result in not being able to take the test in the SRC.

Take care of personal needs prior to starting exams (restroom, cell phone, etc.). Students may not leave the SRC during testing. 

Check in and check out at the SRC Front Desk. 

Inform SRC if using Kurzweil, a computer, special furniture, and/or a scribe for an exam when making testing appointments. 

All personal items (backpacks, phones, smart watches, etc.)  are to be placed in lockers prior to entering the testing room. Turn cell phones and electronic devices off.

Follow all Compton College Academic Honesty Guidelines while taking tests in SRC. No talking or communication between students is allowed in the testing room. Students suspected of academic dishonesty will be subject to disciplinary action. 

Contact an SRC staff member immediately if there are any problems related to taking a test with the SRC. 
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