Welcome to the Emily B. Hart-Holifield Library!
We're here to help you create your success story.
The Emily B. Hart-Holifield Library is located on the first floor of the 45,000-square-foot
Library-Student Success Center (L-SSC) building, and invites Compton College students,
faculty, staff, and the surrounding community to explore our resources, facilities,
and services. The Holifield Library offers print, audiovisual, multimedia, and digital
resources for loan or in-library use. Research assistance and instruction is available
through library tours, instruction orientations, workshops, and one-on-one research
consultations with a librarian at the Reference Desk. Study rooms, tables, Wi-Fi,
and multiple outlets are available inside the Library and throughout the L-SSC building.
Please review Library Conduct for complete Library policies.
NEW at the Library!
Library Satisfaction SurveysThe Library welcomes your feedback to help us improve our resources and services to you! Students, faculty, and staff are invited to complete an anonymous five-minute survey and provide comments and suggestions. Your input will inform the Library's development to address your unique needs and interests!If you are a current registered student at Compton College, click on the button below: Take Student Satisfaction Survey If you are a Compton College faculty or staff member, click on the following button: Take Faculty/Staff Satisfaction Survey Bookmark Design Contest - March 24-April 27The Library's Bookmark Design Contest is back! Starting March 24, current registered students are invited to create and submit an original bookmark design for the Library. Designs are selected by campus voting.First-third place win $100-$200 VISA gift cards! Fourth-fifth place win college-branded gear! The top five designs will also be printed on library bookmarks and displayed inside the Library. For contest rules and complete details: Visit Contest Website Contest information also available on the Library Programs page. |
Library Resource Highlights
Streaming Video CollectionsThe Library offers streaming video through the following collections:
View Collections
Chat with Us!
To start chatting, look for a green light to see who's currently available online and select "Knock on Door." If no library staff are currently online, select "Send Offline Message" to email us directly. You will be prompted to log in with your MyCompton account.
Looking for a textbook? Have a question about borrowing or returning calculators? Speak with a library staff member!
Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Geraldine Luckey Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Claudia Gomez
Need help navigating the databases? Trying to find a book? Searching for a scholarly, peer-reviewed source? Speak with a librarian!
Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Andree B Valdry Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Charles Hobbs Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Lynn Chung Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Nenita B Buenaventura Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Estina A Pratt Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Karen Vogel Video chat on Cranium Cafe with Anamaria Bermeo