The Compton College Food Pantry is located in the Multipurpose Room by the cafeteria. Students enrolled in the current semester of instruction are allowed to visit the pantry twice per week.Current student ID card required.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - Noon and 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. (hours are subjected to change).
All Compton College students enrolled in the current semester are entitled to one free meal a day at the Everytable cafeteria located on campus. Current student ID card required.
Compton College has partnered with the Los Angeles County Food Bank to provide food
for all its students and the surrounding community. The mobile food pantry operates
every second Tuesday of the month from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in parking lot F.
Compton College, in partnership with the Food Access Los Angeles (formerly known as SEE-LA), hosts a weekly farmers' market on campus Wednesdays from 3:00 to 7:30 p.m. in The
Village (near Parking Lot A).
Compton College students are eligible for $20 in vouchers weekly to spend at the Farmers'
Market (while supplies last). Current student ID card required.
CalFresh EBT cards will be accepted and the Compton College Farmers' Market offers
Market Match.
Become a vendor at the Compton College Farmers' Market
Questions about the Certified Farmers' Market? Contact Tynay Griffin, Manager at 323-864-5161
or email
CalFresh is a program offered through the Department of Social Services (DPSS) that could help you and your family get access to fresh food.
If you have additional questions about the application process or need help applying,
you may contact Myrna Reyes by emailing or completing the Compton College and CalFresh consent support form to request direct application assistance.
If you have additional questions about food resources on campus, please contact the student equity office at 310-900-1600 ext 2509 or email the Tartar Support Network at