Compton College is accepting applications online! Follow our Steps to Enrollment and get started today. Take the first step - it's fast and easy! Complete and submit your free application online.
Students applying for the programs listed below may have additional admissions requirements.
Click on the following program links for more information:
High School Students: High school students planning to enroll concurrently for classes should apply and
submit all required documents before the semester begins.
Nursing Program - Entrance Requirements
Take the first step - it's fast and easy! Complete and submit your free application online.
What are you waiting for? Take the first step to creating your success story. Complete your free online application and get started today.
We offer a variety of Student Support Services, Resources and Programs to make Student Life at Compton College rewarding and successful.
The Counseling Department will continue to assist you in-person, via telephone, email, online chat, and video appointments. We are committed to helping you achieve your goals and navigate the college experience!