Political Sciences

This degree provides students with an introduction to political science. Students will acquire knowledge of fundamental political theory, intergovernmental relations, international law, and the principal functions of the government of the United States as well as differing political systems.

Former President Barack Obama in a meeting

Social Sciences - Guided Pathway Division

This degree provides students with an introduction to political science. Students will acquire knowledge of fundamental political theory, intergovernmental relations, international law, and the principal functions of the government of the United States as well as differing political systems. Upon successful program completion, students will be able to identify, explain and critically analyze different theories and political themes underlying contemporary issues and policymaking. The degree prepares students for transfer to a CSU and a political science major. Students will continue studies in government, politics and law. Competencies will be assessed regularly through examinations, essays, projects, and reports.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the degree program, students will be able to:

  • Contemporary Issues: identify and explain major economic, political, social, cultural, and historical themes underlying contemporary issues in the policymaking process
  • Primary and Secondary Sources: critically analyze different theories pertaining to the discipline using primary and/or secondary sources in support of their arguments.
  • Political Issues and Policy Making: identify and distinguish various academic and journalistic sources and explain what these reveal about contemporary political issues and policy making.

program mapper

Course Catalog

Contact Information

Paul Flor
Dean of Student Learning

David McPatchell
Division Chair

Faculty Information

Tenured/Full-Time Faculty

Jesse Mills, Ph.D.
Office: Instructional Building 1, Room 137
(310) 900-1600 x. 2213

Steven Gonzales
Office: Instructional Building 1, Room 137
(310) 900-1600 x. 2216


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