
The degree provides students with a foundation in the science of historical inquiry. After completing the program requirements, students will gain an understanding of the methodologies and schools of interpretation utilized by historians to study the past.

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Social Sciences - Guided Pathway Division

The degree provides students with a foundation in the science of historical inquiry. After completing the program requirements, students will gain an understanding of the methodologies and schools of interpretation utilized by historians to study the past. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of the primary cultural, economic, intellectual, political, social, and diplomatic institutions of the United States and the world. Competencies will be assessed through the evaluation of student term papers and projects, essays, and regularly scheduled examinations. The major prepares students for transfer to a CSU and training in areas such as education, research, archival science, and government.

Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the degree program, students will be able to:

  •  Develop and persuasively argue a historical thesis in a written assignment that identifies and explains major social, economic, political and/or cultural historical themes or patterns and applies appropriate historical methods to analyze and use primary and/or secondary sources as evidence to support the thesis.
program mapper

Course Catalog

Contact Information 

Paul Flor
Dean of Student Learning 
Office VT150, (310) 900-1600 ext. 2273

David McPatchell
Division Chair 
Office IB1-232 (310) 900-1600 ext. 2584

History Faculty

Kendahl Radcliffe, PhD

History/Ethnic Studies Faculty
Office IB1-136 (310) 900-1600 ext. 2212

Nathan Lopez

History/Ethnic Studies Faculty
Office IB1-131 (310) 900-1600 ext. 2214

David Chavez, PhD

History/Ethnic Studies Faculty
Office IB1-131 (310) 900-1600 ext. 2215

Richard “Gabe” Flores

History/Ethnic Studies Faculty
Office IB1-131 (310) 900-1600 ext. 2588




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