President/CEO Message

March 8, 2021

Campus Community,

We are already in the fourth week of the semester, yet it seems like yesterday that the spring 2021 semester began. We are off to a fast pace as usual, and I am excited about the many initiatives and goals we plan to accomplish this semester. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are working together to support student success by improving our student-centered processes. If you are aware of procedures that negatively impact students, it is essential to report them to your Division Chair, manager/supervisor, or an administrator. You can also report them to me at It might take some time to modify some of these processes and procedures, but we can't fix them if we don't know about them. The President/CEO Message - March 8, 2021, includes COVID-19 information and other campus-related updates.

Compton College COVID-19 Update

Los Angeles County's current risk level is Tier 1 (widespread), according to California's "Blueprint for a Safer Economy." On March 7, 2021, there were 1,313 newly recorded confirmed cases in Los Angeles County. The county now has a total of 1,203,152 reported cases (including cases reported by Long Beach and Pasadena Health Departments). For more information, go to According to the Compton CCD Pandemic Outbreak - Emergency Operations Plan, Compton College continues to operate at Level Four - Severe Infection Rate.

Eventual Return to Campus Planning Continues

The Health, Parking & Safety Committee has been assigned the task of developing a cleaning and disinfecting protocol for classrooms in preparation for the eventual expansion of in-person instruction. Following the guidance provided by the Los Angeles County Department of Health in the "Protocol for Institutes of Higher Education" and taking into consideration the Centers for Disease Control's strategies for maintaining a healthy environment for employees and students, the committee will develop a protocol for faculty, staff and students to assist in implementing best cleaning practices. The request to the Health, Parking & Safety Committee is a part of the planning process for the Eventual Return to Campus. Please note, no decision has been made regarding the Eventual Return to Campus. 

The Major League Baseball (MLB) Youth Academy has submitted a plan to reopen its facilities on Compton CCD grounds beginning Thursday, March 18, 2021, for staff and Thursday, April 1, 2021, for participants. Our legal counsel reviewed their plan, and tomorrow the district will provide our feedback to MLB. The MLB plan includes its screening criteria, entry, and contact tracing protocols.

Compton College Midterm Report

As mentioned in a President/CEO Message - October 26, 2020, President/CEO Message - October 29, 2020, and the President/CEO Message - March 4, 2021, the Compton College Midterm Report is due to the Accrediting Committee for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) by Monday, March 15, 2021. The finalized Compton College Accreditation Midterm Report is available here. Please note, I reached out to the ACCJC after one of our constituent groups declined to sign the Compton College Midterm. The ACCJC's response is available here

The ACCJC Commission will review the Compton College Accreditation Midterm Report at their June 2021 meeting, and the outcome will be shared in a future President/CEO Message.

Spring 2021 Enrollment Update

As of today, March 8, 2021, Compton College has generated 1,259 FTES for the Spring 2021 semester; the fill rate is currently 55%, and our seats filled is 8,352. The Spring 2021 Enrollment Report is available here. Late start classes are still available. Click here for a list. Please encourage interested students to enroll as soon as possible.

Compton Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting

The Compton CCD Board of Trustees' next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 16, 2021. The closed session begins at 4:00 p.m., with the open session commencing at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom Meeting. Information on how to access the Compton CCD Board of Trustees meeting is available here.

Final Thoughts

During today's Consultative Council meeting, we reviewed the 2020-2021 Campus Committee document to ensure we have representation on the various Compton College and Compton Community College District Committees. As noted in previous President/CEO Messages, the committees must be meeting, individuals are attending, and the minutes and agendas are posted promptly. As part of the Collaborative Governance process, I want to encourage you to visit the Compton College Campus Committee webpage to review committee meeting agendas and minutes.

In the President/CEO Message - March 1, 2021, I mentioned we would begin working on our Institutional Self-Evaluation Report in preparation for the Compton College accreditation visit, scheduled for spring 2024. We must have representation from all constituent groups during this process. Hopefully, over the next couple of months, you consider joining this effort. At the Consultative Council meeting on Monday, March 15, 2021, we will begin the initial discussion regarding the Compton College Institutional Self-Evaluation Report preparation.

In closing, I would like to thank Dr. Cesar Jimenez for assuming the role and responsibilities of the vice president of Student Services during Elizabeth Martinez's absence.  Also, welcome back, Vice President Martinez.

Please be safe, and please try to reduce the number of Zoom meetings.

Keith Curry, Ed.D.
(preferred pronouns: he/him/his)
Compton College

Keith Curry on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Snap Chat


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