President/CEO Message

June 17, 2021

It is only Thursday! For some reason, it has been a long week. Once again, I had too many Zoom meetings. However, I attended the Career and Technical Education Faculty Institute at the Hotel Maya in Long Beach. It was nice to interact with Compton College employees in person and discuss our programs and services related to Workforce Development. During my talk this morning, I mentioned how important it is that we, as a college, move away from isolated conversations about Workforce Development, and begin having more open dialog across all Guided Pathways Divisions about Workforce Development. As mentioned in the President/CEO Message - May 3, 2021 and the President/CEO Message - May 6, 2021, the contract with California Competes: Higher Education for a Strong Economy will help us improve our Career and Technical Education (CTE) and workforce-related initiatives to support student success. Earlier this week I received their Preliminary Observations and Recommendations, which I will release in the coming weeks. The number one theme from interviews conducted was to "Elevate CTE/workforce programs as an integral component of the college-wide mission and everyone's shared responsibility." Over the next couple of weeks, I will be conducting meetings and discussing how we integrate workforce development programs and activities throughout the college, so that it's no longer perceived as a program that is mainly for the Business and Industrial Studies Guided Pathways Division. If you have any creative input on how integrating workforce development, please feel free to email me your thoughts at

The President/CEO Message - June 17, 2021, includes COVID-19 information and other campus-related updates.

Compton College COVID-19 Update

Los Angeles County's current risk level is Yellow Tier (minimal), according to California's "Blueprint for a Safer Economy." On June 16, 2021, there were 226 newly recorded confirmed cases in Los Angeles County. The county now has a total of 1,246,821 reported cases (including cases reported by Long Beach and Pasadena Health Departments). For more information, go to Compton College is operating at Level 3 - Moderate Infection Rate according to the Compton CCD Pandemic Outbreak - Emergency Operations Plan.

Juneteenth is a National Holiday in the U.S.

Compton College Remains Open on Friday, June 18

Today, June 17, 2021, is a historic day as President Biden signed into law a bill creating a federal holiday to commemorate Juneteenth, the day marking the end of slavery in the United States.

Some of you have reached out to ask what this means for the college tomorrow.  While we support this action, we will remain open while waiting for guidance from the California Governor's Office. Once we receive the guidance, we will ask the Calendar Committee to discuss Juneteenth as a holiday in future Compton College Academic Calendars. We will have to negotiate this new holiday through the collective bargaining process with our local bargaining unions and seek creative input through the Collaborative Governance process. More information on the Juneteenth Holiday will be included in future President/CEO Messages. 

Summer and Fall 2021 Enrollment Update

As of today, June 17, 2021,  Compton College has generated:

  • 399 FTES for the Summer 2021 term. Our fill rate is currently 66%, and our seats filled is 3,027.

  • 316 FTES for the Fall 2021 semester. Our fill rate is currently 12%, and our seats filled is 1,983.

Today's enrollment snapshots are available here.

The first summer sessions begin Monday, June 21, 2021. A variety of eight-week and six-week classes are still available for registration, including some six-week classes that begin on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Click here for a list of open sections for the summer 2021 term. Please encourage interested students to apply and register as soon as possible.

Vaccine Incentive for Summer 2021 Students

Students enrolled in summer 2021 at Compton College: Did you get the COVID-19 vaccination? If so, enter NOW for a chance to win some great prizes! Complete the form online: (proof of vaccination required on form). Refer other eligible students to increase your chance of winning! When they fill out the form, there is a spot for them to include your first and last name as the referring student.
Not vaccinated? Students can receive the COVID-19 vaccination for FREE at the St. John's Student Health Center on campus – call for an appointment TODAY at (213) 640-8100.

New Zoom Retention Policy

Zoom is a free online conferencing service available to all Compton College employees through the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office agreement. By nature, Zoom cloud storage is intended for temporary, non-archival storage and provides access to recordings for the immediate or active academic term. Meeting hosts are expected to assess their recordings on a routine basis and, if long-term storage is deemed necessary, they should download and transfer their cloud recordings to other college-approved long-term, archival storage solutions such as their Microsoft OneDrive account.

To proactively manage both instructional and non-instructional Zoom cloud recordings, our Information Technology Services (ITS) Department has issued the following policy statement:

On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, Compton College will apply a six-month retention policy to all Zoom cloud recordings.

  • All Zoom recordings will be retained for 180 days.
  • After 180 days, recordings will be placed in the meeting host’s Trash for an additional 15 days.
  • Once the 15-day Trash countdown expires, the recordings will be permanently deleted.

This retention policy only applies to Zoom meeting cloud recordings hosted on The Compton College ITS Department will remind all employees one week before each retention policy is activated.

Compton Community College District Board of Trustees Meetings

As mentioned in the President/CEO Message - March 15, 2021, I want to encourage you to review the Compton Community College District (CCCD) Board of Trustees meeting agendas. Each month, the information section of the board agenda includes the Board of Trustees' Goals, updates on programs and services, District financial reports, and information on the Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee. The current and previous board agendas are available online at; click ‘ 'Enter Public Site.'

The next CCCD Board of Trustees meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 20, 2021. The closed session begins at 4:00 p.m., with the open session commencing at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom Meeting. Information on how to access the Compton CCD Board of Trustees meeting is available here.

President/CEO Closing the Loop

This week, I reviewed the Faculty Teaching and Learning Professional Development Proposals that were submitted by the Guided Pathways Divisions and made a final decision on funding. A couple of the proposals were not approved as additional information is needed. Early next week we will be sending approval, denied, and request for information letters to the Division Deans, Division Chairs, and Professional Development Liaisons who submitted the proposals. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the proposals that were funded as of June 17, 2021.

Teaching and Learning Professional
Development Proposals

Amount Funded


Social Sciences 1; Learning and Understanding How to Apply the Eight Equity Minded Precepts in your Course Syllabus- Unknown $0 Approved
Social Sciences 3: Life Post Pandemic: Navigating Trauma and Education in the Classroom $5,000 Approved
FACH 4: Anti-Racist, Culturally Relevant Pedagogies $2,000 Approved
Social Sciences 2: Supporting and Understanding the African American Male in Education $5,000 Approved
STEM 1: Compton College Successful Teaching Strategies $0 Approved
Counseling 1: Counseling Faculty will learn new strategies on advising students to increase degree completion. $40,000 Approved
STEM 4: Four standardized, project-based, student-centered, and equitable course shells for Math 65, 150, 170, and 180. $14,400 Approved, one-time only
STEM 7: OER training $6,000 Approved
Counseling 3: Motivational Interviewing Training $5,500 Approved
STEM 3: Implement an Evidence-based Teaching Workshop Series $28,640 Approved
FACH 5: English Community of Practice $18,540 Approved
STEM 5: Training for math faculty about new course shells $7,200 Approved, one-time only
Counseling 2: Myer-Briggs Type Indicator Certification $47,000 Approved
Counseling 4: Skill Scan Training $20,000 Approved
College 1: Interview and CV Writing Workshops for Adjunct Faculty $5,000 Approved, campuswide for Adjunct Faculty
FACH 2: On Course Training for Classroom Integration $4,000 Approved
FACH 8: Building and Using Rubrics $500 Approved
College 2: Grant finding and grant writing workshops $2,000 Approved, campuswide for Faculty

In total, I approved $210,780 in funding. Please note, the College 1 and College 2 proposals were initially submitted by the Fine Arts, Communication and Humanities (FACH) Guided Pathways Division and I asked our Professional Development Manager, Pilar Huffman, to take the lead on these two items and make them available for all faculty to participate. I want to thank all the Divisions who submitted proposals. More information on the Faculty Teaching and Learning Professional Development Proposals will be provided in future President/CEO Messages.

Also, a couple of weeks ago, I made decisions on the 2021-2022 Budget Augmentations and Enhancements and will share those decisions in the President/CEO Message - June 21, 2021. Furthermore, in July 2021, we will release our College Plan Annual Report, which will include more information on the planning process and the 2021-2022 budget decisions.

Final Thoughts

California reopened this week, and in the coming weeks, I will share decisions on the Safe Return to Campus Plan for Compton College and our employees. Over the next six months, I will encourage departments and programs to begin thinking about the "New Normal.:for Compton College as we return to campus and look at what we have learned from the COVID-19 and decide what we should keep as a new way of doing things. I favor non-Brown Act committees continuing to meet via Zoom Meeting as well as professional development activities, and employment interviews. I think we should provide student activities both online and in-person, and continue to push for paperless forms on campus, and electronic signatures on documents. Those are some of my initial thoughts, but we should all be reviewing of our areas on campus as it relates to the "New Normal for Compton College."

Please be safe and have a wonderful Friday.


Keith Curry, Ed.D.
(preferred pronouns: he/him/his)
Compton College

Keith Curry on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Snap Chat


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